Precision Health
Genetic Testing
The genetic testing in Precision Health is performed at exclusive accredited international testing centres (USA, Canada, Germany etc.). They employ the revolutionary Next Generation Sequencing to decode each individual’s unique DNA genome to expose any inborn genetic mutation, gene malfunction and gene mal-expression that may give rise to the following important information:
Inherited disease and risk
Inherited cancer risk
Drug response and reaction
Personal development (including EQ, IQ) and physique
Nutrition & life style advice
The above information which is unique to that individual will give rise to a medical care and life style plan that fight against cancer, prevent illness and aging.
Precision Medicine
Precision medicine is a new paradigm shift in current health care. It utilises integrated information from cutting edge diagnostics, genetic, molecular science & advanced cellular technology. It aims to create anti-aging, prevention and treatment plans tailored to that individual. The short-term goal is to achieve accurate, efficient, and effective diagnosis, personalised treatment with little to no side effects & successive cure. The long-term goal is to lead to rejuvenation, cancer eradication, growing old without pain or disease suffering and passage of such high-quality living onto the next generation.
Precision medicine cuts through the existing flaws and limitations of traditional ‘Evidence-Based Medicine’ and restructures ‘future standard treatment’ (The Future Standard of Care), clinical guidelines and disease prevention. In 2015, launching the Precision Medicine Program (Precision Medicine Initiative) was the goal of former U.S. President Barack Obama. Precision medicine is also plays an important role in China’s “Thirteen-Five” plan, which involves the pursuit of innovation and reconstruction of social and economic structure.
Disease Prevention and Control
Precision Health is keen to advocate and practice future standard of medical care using the concept of Precision Medicine so that our clients can achieve a tailor-made health care plan that will lead to early illness detection & prevention, sickness elimination & healthy aging. This is made possible by our integrated platform of experts in diagnostic imaging, DNA/genome testing, cellular therapy, healing & life style management.
Disease occurrence can also be effectively managed by the model of Precision Medicine as follows:
Precise effective treatment with minimal side effects
Accurate monitoring for disease recurrence and follow up
Disease prevention and effective control for the next generation