Precision Health

DEXA (bone mineral densitometry or Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry) utilize two X-Ray beams. One beam has X-Ray energy for absorption by all tissues and the other by soft tissue. Subtracted against each other, the resultant image is that of bone absorption typically of the lumbar spine, hip or wrist. The bone absorption would be quantified for assessment of osteoporosis and risk of fracture.
Please click here for further information on osteoporosis.

General requirement for DEXA exams:
Needs prior booking on (852) 3896 0900.
Please inform the centre if there is a possibility of pregnancy or breast feeding.
DEXA cannot be performed if there has been prior iodinated contrast study or recent Barium exam (including Barium swallow, meal, small bowel study & enema) in the last 7 days.
Please bring any previous imaging films and reports for reference.